London’s mayor Boris Johnson and New York counterpart Michael R. Bloomberg have renewed a tourism partnership deal to boost travel between the two cities. The renewal is an extension of an original deal signed in 2009 and will see NYC & Company and London & Partners share marketing and tourism practices. Each city will be advertised through outdoor media space in the other city valued at US$320,000 through 2014, with a focus on encouraging tourists to visit large and small cultural institutions. British Airways is also working with the two tourism bodies with a range of packages. “As great world cities for culture, London and New York offer the visitor an extraordinary number of attractions, so I am delighted to be renewing this important partnership,” said Johnson. “Let’s shout it out loud: London loves New York and New York loves London, and as big, bold cities, tourism has a vital part to play in the prosperity of each. As the global economy emerges from this economic downturn, our goal is to build on the mighty reputations of each as preeminent destinations for culture-hungry visitors.” Bloomberg added: “Mayor Johnson and I have long championed the need for municipal governments to diversify their economies and maximize opportunities to support small businesses and cultural institutions. Encouraging tourism development was one of our first initiatives together, and renewing and enhancing those commitments will be pivotal to the continued vibrancy of these two world-class cities.” Last year 1.03 million Brits visited New York and the number is set to increase 2.5% this year. Almost 1.8m Americans visited London last year. “New York City tourism is on pace for a record-breaking 2013 and today’s agreement helps set the stage for us to carry this momentum into next year,” said NYC & Company CEO George Fertitta. “We are particularly excited to explore ways in which we can support our cultural institutions—big and small—through creative marketing and tourism programs.” Gordon Innes, CEO of London & Partners added: “American visitors have always been a key target market, and we’re delighted that both cities continue to recognise the mutual support we can offer each other.” Source: Travel Daily