Louvre Abu Dhabi has again revealed significant acquisitions forming part of the museum’s permanent collection. These new works will be announced in the second edition of Louvre Abu Dhabi: Talking Art Series, (October 3, 2012 to June 26, 2013), a rich programme of public events which explore the significance of individual works both in historical terms and in the context of the museum’s growing collection. The series of lectures, organised jointly by the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority (TCA), Agence France-Museums and the Ecole du Louvre, open up a dialogue with the public providing insight into the museum’s narrative and collection ahead of its opening. Commenting on the importance of these series, Shaikh Sultan bin Tahnun Al Nahyan, Chairman of TCA Abu Dhabi, said: “We are pleased to share with the public the vast array of works acquired for Louvre Abu Dhabi, and allow for them to experience and interact with the museum’s content as we shape its collection and prepare for the opening.  The art works have been carefully acquired and compliment the universal narrative of the museum, representing world civilisations and important artistic periods across time.” Some of the new acquisitions which will be shared with the public in the upcoming series include: one of the finest examples of a standing Bactrian Princess from the end of the 3rd millennium BCE, a beautifully preserved pavement and fountain ensemble dating from the early Ottoman period and Paul Gauguin’s masterpiece Breton Boys Wrestling from 1888. A photography collection is also starting, including Joseph Girault de Prangey’s Ayoucha, the most ancient known photographic representation of a veiled woman. Henri Loyrette, President-Director of the Louvre Museum, said: “I am particularly pleased with the progress of Louvre Abu Dhabi. The Talking Art Series are an essential step in building awareness of the future museum and its collection, enriched by new, exceptional acquisitions. Moreover, it is important for the transmission of know-how and of expertise ahead of the Museum opening — a strong example being the programme of Master Classes for students starting at Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi with the Ecole du Louvre.”  Louvre Abu Dhabi also announced its next exhibition of the Louvre Abu Dhabi collection in Abu Dhabi in April 2013. Entitled Birth of a Museum, the exhibition will be the next presentation of the collection of Louvre Abu Dhabi, which is set to open in 2015. A version of the exhibition will also be shown in Paris at the Louvre Museum. In addition to the lecture series, an educational programme aimed at families will share the themes of the Louvre Abu Dhabi collection. Louvre Abu Dhabi first started sharing its collection with the public through an exhibition titled Talking Art: Louvre Abu Dhabi, which opened in May 2009. The exhibition presented the first 19 acquisitions for the institution, including a Mamluk Holy Quran from the 14th century, a 5th century Fibula from Domagnano, a Virgin and Child by Bellini and Mondrian’s Composition with blue, red, yellow and black from 1922. From : Khalij