57% of HolidayExtras.com customers are against airlines using social media for passengers to share information before their flight 64% of women have safety concerns, compared to 51% of men As airlines test new “social seating” software which enables travellers to browse fellow passengers’ Facebook or LinkedIn profiles in order to choose their ideal neighbour, HolidayExtras.com customers give the concept a big thumbs-down. A wary 38% of those polled by the UK’s market-leading travel add-ons provider thought it “a completely scary idea”, and a further 19% were concerned that it could be dangerous. Sixty-four per cent of women compared to 51% of men had safety worries about the new technology. For 12%, social seating could provide the dream travel scenario - whether romantic interest or a way of avoiding “passengers from hell”. Men were more taken with the online dating possibilities (4%) than women (1%). The poll results also revealed that 13% of people would consider opting in to the service if they could have total control, with 18% of HolidayExtras.com customers not bothered either way. Anthony Clarke Cowell, Associate Merchandising Director at HolidayExtras.com, said: “It’s great to see the travel industry using the latest technology and harnessing the power of social media, but judging by these survey results, social seating could be a step too far for British travellers.” Eight hundred and four-five million people around the world have a Facebook page and 150 million are on the professional networking site, LinkedIn.