Passenger with 'mental troubles' had to be restrained by crew as he tried to reach pilot

A passenger with “mental troubles” tried to enter the cockpit of a commercial flight from Paris to Casablanca in Morocco on Wednesday, Moroccan police said.

A police statement, carried by the official news agency MAP, said the 26-year-old man, who was not named, went to the plane’s toilets before “trying to make his way into the cockpit” but was prevented by the crew.

It gave no further details on the incident or the name of the airline involved.

The man was said to be an illegal immigrant in France, where he had suffered “a mental illness” which forced an uncle to accompany him back on the flight to Morocco.

After landing in Casablanca, he was taken “to the airport’s clinic which confirmed he had mental troubles that required his admittance to a psychiatric hospital,” police said

source : gulfnews