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The Ministry of Tourism will represent the Sultanate, and participate in the Ara-bian Travel Market (ATM) in Dubai, from 24th to 27th April, 2017. Oman’s delega-tion will be led by H.E. Maitha Saif Al Mahrouqi, the Undersecretary of the Minis-try of Tourism. 

The Sultanate participates in the ATM annually, as it is considered as the largest international gathering specialized in tourism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 

Major contributors and decision-makers in tourism-relatedactivities par-ticipate in the ATM; namely - airlines, hotels, shipping companies, conference centers, hotels, resorts, tour organizers, senior executives in the tourism sector and travel agencies.

The ATM provides a crucial platform for participants from government agencies and private companies to present their products,

services, and the new tourism projects to the right target audience.

The target audience also become oriented with the latest developments which take place in the Arab and international tour-ism industry as the exhibition serves as the perfect opportunity to meet and net-work with other interested parties, as well as attend workshops, seminars and other events that are organized on the sidelines of the ATM.

Source: Timesofoman