, which recently launched its Indian operations, has announced the launch of its first brand campaign in the country. In its brand campaign, the company has launched an integrated marketing campaign across television, radio, OOH and digital channels. The campaign highlights the ease with which customers can travel to their dream destination with unmatched deals and offers on flights, hotels and holidays, thereby enabling them to ‘Stop dreaming, start travelling.” The television commercial which will go on air from 5 December, is conceptualised in a Rajasthani mela where the brand ambassador Sachin Tendulkar is a mysterious photographer has put up a shamiana which has people lining up outside with their luggage. The main idea being that the shamiana is a metaphor to Musafir, which serves as the portal that transports you to your dream destination. Speaking about the campaign, Manu Monga, vice president and head of marketing, at said, “We were clear that we wanted to bring the conversation back to the simple joys of travel, the sense of discovery, the promise of an unseen land beckoning, see the traveler in a person rather than just a tourist, encourage people to travel more for all the right reasons and not just because of the prices. The brand has been presented in a way where it immediately strikes an emotional connect with the Indian travellers. The word ‘ghoom’ strikes an instant connect with every Indian and this inspired us to conceptualize our brand campaign around the theme of ‘ghoomna’.” As a part of the brand campaign, has branded all mobile chargers across domestic and international airports in Mumbai. Source: Travel Daily