Myanmar and Cambodia have agreed on mutual visa exemption for holders of ordinary passports, state media reported Wednesday. The agreement on the move was signed by Myanmar Deputy Foreign Minister U Tin Oo Lwin and Cambodian Ambassador to Myanmar Sieng Burvuthin Nay Pyi Taw. The signing was aimed at strengthening existing friendly relations in all fields and simplifying the procedures of citizens traveling between the two countries. In February 2011, Myanmar established air link with Cambodia with its Myanmar Airways international (MAI) flying between Yangon and Siem Reap, an ancient city of Cambodia. The flight service was extended to reach Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, in November 2011. The airline's extension to Phnom Penh has created a long-term cooperation between Cambodia and Myanmar on tourist, culture, trade and investment. The direct air link between Myanmar and Cambodia was introduced after the 4th Ayeyawady Chaophraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) Summit and 5th CLMV Summit in November 2010 which was aimed at developing tourist industry in the subregion.