The Sultanate’s tourism sector is on a high growth trajectory, this was stated by Khalil bin Abdullah al Khonji, chairman of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) at the First Oman Tourism Investment Conference. The two-day conference, organised by OCCI , in conjunction with the Federation of the GCC Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC), highlights tourism potentials in the Sultanate and investment atmosphere in the sector. The event also showcases the country’s massive projects such as the International Medical City, Duqm development schemes and projects of Omran. Prof Lindsay one of the participants of the event has examined Oman’s tourism potential in the perspective of other developments worldwide. The assumption is made that Oman is closer regionally in terms of cultural identity and social structures to the broad Asia Pacific world region. Prof Lindsay has forecast huge growth in arrival of foreign (non-Gulf country) tourists in Oman. The forecast suggests arrival of 1,352,644 tourists in 2013; 1,526,270 in 2014; 1,716,210 in 2015 and 1,886,388 in 2016. Elaborating further, he said in his research paper: “Oman is now at important cross-road in economic and social development, and needs to determine the path ahead in regard to the level of international tourism development.” Given the current ‘take-off’ position in economic development for tourist arrivals to Oman, a first point is to set targets that are realistic, sustainable and bring the type of tourism market that Oman decides to develop as a community. In determining these issues a major first step is to attempt to forecast arrivals under current conditions.” Source: Travel Daily