People visiting Brussels

Tourist numbers to the Belgian capital increased in July and August 2014 compared to last year, according to figures released on Friday.
According to a statement released by, hotel numbers rose by an average of 6 percent in the summer of 2014.
According to Rodolphe Van Weyenbergh, Secretary General of the Brussels Hotels Association (BHA), this confirms the appeal of Brussels as a tourist destination. But, he warned, the hotel industry is still not in a healthy position.
"These good results in terms of tourist numbers should not however mask the challenge faced by the sector when it comes to profitability, which is more precarious than ever due to the profit margins per room," he said.
Patrick Bontinck, CEO of Visitbrussels said that efforts to ensure Brussels is seen as a summer tourist destination "have seen fantastic results."
"More and more tourists have been visiting, especially at weekends, despite our rather Belgian climate," he added.