Police take security at airport seriously

The Saudi government and security forces are keen to provide safety and security to the people of the Kingdom, and in airport security, they haven’t spared any efforts.
The beefed-up security at King Abdulaziz International Airport was applauded by citizens and residents of Jeddah as it shows the keenness of the government in providing safety and security to the people and visitors to Jeddah.
Abu Faisal, who went to receive his wife at the airport, could not enter the arrivals area of the airport because of the tight security. “The security guard told me that the passengers would be coming out from gates 2 and 3 of the arrival lounge, and nobody was allowed to go in, only staff and business employees, even after IDs were properly checked. Even the checkpoint outside the perimeters of the airport did thorough checks of cars entering the airport,” he said.
He said that special security cars were also going around in the parking lot to enforce security, which shows the eagerness of the government and security forces in providing all the measures, by the grace of Allah, to make it safe for all those coming to the airport.
Ahmed Al-Rafeek, another resident, expressed his gratitude to the government for intensifying security for the protection of everyone in the Kingdom, and condemned what the enemies of the Kingdom are trying to do.
“I salute the security forces who are sincerely and efficiently boosting security. I would also like to pray to Allah to bless those security forces who laid down their lives for the protection of the nation and its people, and also pray for the injured to recover at the earliest,” he said.
He also said that expatriates and citizens are wholeheartedly with the Saudi government, the nation and security forces, and accept all the security measures they put in place for the benefit of the people.

Source: Arab News