Red Bull Air race in Rovnij

The Swiss Ministry of Defence DDPS decided on Tuesday to cancel participation by Russian pilots and aircraft in the Air14 air show.
"This corresponds with the previous and current policy of exercising restraint in the area of military contacts with Russia", said the DDPS in a press release from its headquarters in the Swiss capital, Bern.
A squadron of the Russian Knights was scheduled to take part in Air14, flying Su-27 fighter aircraft.
"The DDPS has decided, in consultation with the FDFA, to cancel their participation. Even in times of crisis it is important to maintain contacts. Nevertheless, military contacts are of a special nature and in the present circumstances it would be preferable to show restraint.
"The DDPS has therefore decided, after careful consideration, that participation by the Russian Knights in Air14 would not be appropriate at this time," added the release.