A loss of cabin pressure forced a Singapore Airlines airplane to make an emergency landing in Azerbaijan Monday, airline officials said. The airline said the Airbus 380, flying from London to Sinagpore, had 467 passengers and 27 crew members on board when it landed "uneventfully" at the Baku airport, the BBC reported. Singapore Airlines said no one was injured and the incident was under investigation. The airline said a replacement airplane dispatched to take the stranded passengers to Singapore was expected to arrive in Baku Tuesday, which didn't sit well with some passengers, who complained about the wait on the airline's Facebook page. Passenger Terri Mann said she had to sleep on a "cold steel bench" with her 17-month old child and there were no "food places" at the airport. "We are all a little hesitant about getting on our next legs of our journeys, just hope the worst is over," she wrote. However, passengers such as Ronald Leung praised the airline. "Really have to appreciate Singapore Airlines making the immediate announcement rather than say nothing and try to censor the number of people who will know about the incident," Leung said.