The South Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO) is planning to set up a representative office in China to boost tourism in countries like Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, said an SPTO official in Beijing. Ilisoni Vuidreketi, SPTO chief executive officer, said the organization is committed to boosting travel between China and its members. The office will be in Beijing. In most of the South Pacific islands, tourism is the pillar industry. Many island countries see the potential of attracting Chinese visitors. Seven island nations have received ADS (Approved Destination Status) from the Chinese government. In 2012, 70,000 Chinese tourists visited the islands. Du Jiang, deputy director of the China National Tourism Administration, said, "We hope to launch more direct routes to the region, in order to provide more convenience for visitors. We encourage Chinese companies to invest in the island nations and help develop tourism." The island nations include Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Cook Islands, among others.