Foreign minister Ibrahim ghandour

Sudan's Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour left Cairo a after a two-day visit in which he met President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry.

During his meeting with Sisi, Ghandour conveyed the greetings of Sudanese President Omar al-Bahir, and stressed that his visit to Egypt aimed at coordinating between the two neighboring states in various fields.

Shoukry and Ghandour led Saturday the expanded political consultation sessions that grouped delegations representing the two countries at the Foreign Ministry headquarters on promoting cooperation between Cairo and Khartoum in various fields, preparations for the meeting of the joint higher committee as well as other regional and international issues of common interest.

The Sudanese minister took part in the Arab League's emergency meeting on the level of Arab foreign ministers to discuss the attacks on the Saudi diplomatic mission in Iran.

Source: MENA