Tourism rate down by 43.3% in December 2015

The number of tourists visiting Egypt declined in December in 2015 by about 43.3% as the country received nearly 440,000 tourists against 781,600 in the same month in 2014, an official monthly bulletin said.

The tourists came mainly from Western Europe, making up 37.6% of the total influx in December, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).

Tourists from the Middle East and Eastern Europe constituted 26.4% and 15.1% respectively, it added.

The remaining 20.9% came from Africa, Asia, the US and other countries.

Tourists spent an average total of 2.4 million nights in the described month compared to 7.1 million nights in 2014, according to the report.

Source: MENA