Training ship 'La Soummam'

The training ship "La Soummam" of the Algerian Navy docked Tuesday at the port of Barcelona (Spain), the fourth stage of the instruction campaign "summer 2014," the National Defence Ministry said in a statement.
This three-day stopover follows those in the ports of Kiel (Germany), Brest (France) and Oran.
Upon arrival at the port of Barcelona, the ship was greeted by the Consul General of Algeria in Barcelona, ​​accompanied by the defense attaché of Algeria to Spain and members of the national community in Barcelona.
A courtesy visit will be made by the ship command to the civilian and military authorities of Barcelona. During this visit, the cadets and crew of the ship "La Soummam" will pay "visit to the Barcelona Maritime Museum, which keeps material evidences of a wide cultural tradition linked to the sea."
Besides, the ship crew will benefit from cultural, tourist and sport programme so to enlarge their scientific and cultural knowledge and get acquainted with Catalonia maritime tradition, the same source added.