Enjoying a most deserved holiday depends on how you plan it. Here are few tips to make it memorable So have you been longing for a trip for a long time, that deserved holiday that you have finally been able to plan? So if you want to make the most of the opportunity and want to make the most of it then here are few tips that will come in handy for making your trip safe and sound. Books: We usually ignore them, but books are one of the most efficient ways to get all the required information which is reliable. Get a hold of Lonely Planet and read through it before you embark on your journey, it will keep you on the right track. Luggage: Travelling light is the best way to travel. Pack only the essentials, you don't have to take the entire household with you, travels are meant to be fun and they can only be if you have a light bag. Weather and clothes: Do find out about the weather of the place you plan to visit and pack your clothes accordingly. You don't want to land up there finding yourself totally out of place and ill-equipped. Accommodation: If you are an adventure lover then this might not be for you, but if you like to play safe then make the reservations in advance, especially during the peak seasons. Health: If the trip is in a normal touristy city then this might not fall right. But if your destination is more interior parts say a sanctuary or trek etc, then keep a first aid box and some basic medicines for pain and fever. You never know when you might need them. So, if you keep these points in check, then you sure will enjoy the holiday that has kept you waiting for so long.