Turkish Airlines (THY) said it cancelled flights to Paris because of a nationwide 24-hour strike by French air traffic controllers on Tuesday.Turkey's national flag carrier airline, THY, said in a written statement that it cancelled flights from Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport and Sabiha Gokcen International Airport in Istanbul. THY stated the passengers should check their flights on the THY website or call 444 0 849."Disruptions are expected throughout France," said France's Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA) in a statement.French key unions called for the strike, prompted by President Francois Hollande's proposal to cut taxes on businesses to create more jobs. Hollande's proposal is called the ‘’Responsibility Pact,’’ which seeks to implement $42 billion euros in cuts to payroll taxes paid by companies.Unions are demanding better salaries, improved employment security and the maintenance of public services, said Eric Heraud, spokesman for France's Directorate General for Civil Aviation.