The UAE travellers - families or solo - are ready to explore the world and are 'willing' to pay that extra 'price' to get that experience which can promise them a life-time experience of memories to fall back on.

A new research from global travel technology company Sabre Corporation has found that travellers from the UAE would be willing to spend an average of Dh370 ($107) on extras to personalise their trips.

The UAE travellers are serious explorers and trends have changed from conventional once a year holiday to minimum three to four trips annually. So what has triggered such a rise in travel trips? Geet Bhalla, CEO & Co-founder of HolidayMe, explains that the gap between the low-cost carriers and full-service carriers is narrowing in terms of ticket cost making travel more affordable. The tickets are almost 30 per cent cheaper and hence people like to check new destinations and experiences. Despite the global situation the leisure industry proved resilient and people continued to travel from UAE to absolutely unheard of destinations.

These examples only prove how the UAE travellers are demanding and pampering and ready to pay for it. The Sabre research, which surveyed business and leisure travellers from the UAE in order to learn about their latest behaviours, motivations and expectations, also found that almost 50 per cent of travellers are more likely to be loyal to an airline or a hotel if they receive a personalised service.