Ministry of foreign affairs

The new version, so called "updated," of the text known as "Travel Warning," issued by the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the US Department of State on 13 August 2014, is a "nonevent," the spokesman of the ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abdelaziz Benali Cherif, told APS on Thursday.
It is a "new version of a routine, repetitive text meant for US nationals in Algeria or wishing to travel to Algeria, out of consideration for their country's laws."
"The claim that there are still two active terrorist groups in Algeria is obviously just as unfounded as the alleged alert on July 4 relating to the risk of attacks on hotels in Algiers," Benali Cherif stressed.
The spokesman of the ministry of Foreign Affairs wondered about "the impact of getting used to the stereotyped formulas that are still applied to Algeria, even though our country, in strategic words, has defeated terrorism and has long been one of the key players in the global counterterrorism cooperation."
The travel warning "which does not provide useful information about the verifiable reality relating to the security situation in Algeria or the quality of Algerian-US partnership in a number of major fields, may unfortunately divert attention away from the areas were terrorism does persist and grow, which requires greater vigilance and mobilization."