Shorts, side bag, and a camera, you are simply telling everyone hey I am a tourist

Traveling is an adventure. So to fully enjoy an adventure you must feel safe because fear destroys any possible enjoyment. Your personal safety is no laughing matter and something you should not ignore.

Hysterical obsession is not healthy but paying no attention to basic safety rules is not a smart thing to do. So, take note of the following guidelines and be safe for your next trip to be able to enjoy your time fully.


1- Investigate your destination

If you are visiting a city for the first time, make sure to Google it first. Every city is known for some trouble that you need to pay attention to. Google "safety travel Paris" for example to check what you should worry about.

The most common threat in Europe is "pick pocketing." Every major city has it. Also, there is always some famous place where it happens so make sure to skim the map and know these places.

There are two great resources to check that type of stuff:

TripAdvisor city guide section has a safety part. Also, The Virtual Tourist website has a "tourist traps" and "warnings and dangers" section for every city.

Make sure to check them

2- Make many copies

Losing your passports or forgetting your e-ticket is one of the most annoying things that could happen to you while traveling. Not having a personal identification tool like your passport could put you in serious trouble. So, make sure to create many copies of your important papers. On your mobile, on your email, a paper copy in your bag, another one in the hotel and one to keep with you.

Also, create a card that contains the most important phone numbers you need and keep it with you. Numbers like: ambulance, police, embassy or even firefighters.


3-Do not look like a tourist

The most stupid thing to do is, for example, visiting Rome in summer, wearing Hawaiian shirts, and colourful shorts, with a big camera hanging around your neck, and sunglasses.

You are just basically telling every pickpocket around that you are an easy target.

Check what the locals wear and do the same. Look cool and casual so as not to be targeted. Learn a few words of the language to be able to communicate simply and not be an obvious foreigner.

Also, don’t wear jewelry or expensive watches or anything of that kind

4-Lock your stuff

Buy yourself a couple of good bag locks. Also, get a money belt if you would like. Don’t keep your money in one place. Put some in your pocket, some in your bag, and scatter them in different locations so that if you got robbed, it is just a little portion.

And finally,

5- You are Egyptian. You are going to be fine, chill!


American and European tourists are kind of obsessed. For example, if you check online dangers about a city like Rome. You will find articles about being pick pocketed in the metro or during when you buy stuff in front of the Colosseum. Things that might amaze an American tourist are so normal for you.

So, take your precautions, be ready for everything and travel like an Egyptian

Source: Ahram online