Feng Shui decorating tips

The art of home Feng Shui layout aims to manage the source of Chi, the positive energy. In principle, flowing the Chi into the house will bring beneficial energy into the home occupant’s life. Feng Shui can also make your home more presentable in the arrangement of the interior design. In the realm of Feng Shui, the bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. This is because, we spent most of the time in the bedroom. Here also, we get the energy ‘chi’ that can bring a positive influence for peace of mind. Here are tips or ways to organize a bedroom according to Feng Shui : 1. The selection of Colors The bedroom should be a place to rest, recharge, not a place for many activities such as a living room or a kitchen. This area should be able to make residents feel happy and relaxed. So, bright and bold colors are not suitable for the bedroom, because it can interfere the bedtime. Calm or earthy palette is ideal for the bedroom. You can choose different shades of colors such as pale yellow, taupe, red brick, terracotta, creamy peach or apricot orange. Colors like blue, green, black and gray are too ‘cold’ and are only recommended for small accents in the bedroom. 2. The bedroom fixture arrangement Having too many bedroom fixtures will make the atmosphere stuffy and uncomfortable. You might be able to store it in the cupboard, shelf or desk drawer. 3. The position of the bed Ideally, the bed should be in a position where you can see the bedroom door when you lay on it. But, don’t put the bed right in front of the door, because the energy that comes from outside of the room can badly affect mood. If the bed position is in the front of the window, choose a bed with a large backrest, which create the impression of ‘protecting’. Attach curtain with a calming color that can filter the light from outside the room. Source: Most Elegant Homes