Algeria’s Prime Minister Abdel Malek Salal,

A wave of anger dominated Algerian ruling party after the release of electoral lists scheduled to run for the coming parliamentary elections due to the domination of businesspersons on these lists. The current anger pushed Algeria’s Prime Minister Abdel Malek Salal, as one of the party’s historic leaders, to participate in rallying supporters behind National Liberation Front.
The Algerian official decided to participate in the electoral campaign of his party, as he intensified his tours among the Algerian provinces to convince the citizens to participate in the coming elections scheduled to be held on May 4. The prime minister’s tours came the framework of field follow-up of the projects adopted by the government, while carrying electoral objectives.
Protests still the major challenge before the Algerian ruling party due to the state of anger dominating the members of the party since the release of the party’s electoral lists that will participate during the coming parliamentary elections scheduled to be held during May. A number of protesters burned the headquarters of the ruling National Liberation Front in the province of Mela in the north-east of Algeria.
The party’s director general decided to cancel two popular rallies in the same province, as the governorate witnesses a state of frustration among citizens because of the presence of the party’s Director General Kamal Boulmeyez.
Annaba province witnesses a state of chaos during the current period due to the increasing protest witnessed in the province over the nomination of current parliamentarian Baha Al Din Taliba who came second in the electoral list of the ruling party after Algeria’s Minister of Transportation Boudjemaa Tali
Algeria's leaders of political parties and activists boycotted parliamentary elections, scheduled for May 4, began to launch campaigns calling Algerian citizens to boycott elections and not to go to the polls.
Boycotters of parliamentary elections, most notably the leader of the new generation party, Sufian Gilali, the head of the Democratic Union Party under establishment, Karim Tabou, member of the Barakat movement, and others, carried out several campaigns in a number of western provinces of  Oran and Mostaganem, to announce their rejection of the elections, which is supervised by the Algerian authority.