Attack near Lebanese border leaves number of regime forces killed

Areas of the southern countryside were exposed to bombardment by regime forces amid bombardment on the western Aleppo which is witnessing clashes between regime forces and rebels.
Aerial bombardment targeted areas of Idlib city and countryside, including areas of Termala, Baarabo, Qasabia, no reports of losses. 5 airstrikes targeted Ariha town, reports of injuries.

At least 10 people were killed, including a child under the age of 18, Saturday, in raids carried out by warplanes targeted areas in the city of Jericho, leaving dozens of injuries among citizens.

Violent clashes, near the Lebanese border, took place between the regime forces and Islamic factions, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of the regime forces and militants loyal to them.
Clashes continue between IS and regime forces around al-Mahir and Jahar in Tadmur desert amid bombardment by the regime on the area in an attempt to advance.
Clashes are taking place in Barza between regime forces and rebels in an attempt by the regime to advance in the area amid targeting the area with shells and missiles, no reports of losses.
Regime forces bombarded areas of Tishren, Qabon neighborhoods with no less than 12 rockets, no reports of injuries, while the regime forces targeted the same areas, on Saturday, with 22 missiles and 10 rocket shells, amid aerial bombardment on the area.

Syrian helicopters threw eight explosive barrels on the regions of Daraa al-Balad, in the city of Daraa, with no information on casualties reported, in a everyday repeated scene by the regime forces in the city, which is experiencing  clashes since 12 February.

The regime forces shelled areas in the southern countryside of Hama, leaving in the property of the citizens, while warplanes targeted areas in  northern Hama, with air strikes, no casualties reported.

The regime forces also launched many raids on areas in Kurds Mountain, in the northern countryside of Latakia, without receiving information about casualties.  Three militants were killed after their injury in the shelling and clashes with regime forces, in Manshiyeh district, in Daraa.

Aerial bombardment targeted areas of al-Ghento, Ferhania in northern Homs leading to injuries in al-Ghento. Meanwhile, regime forces continued targeting areas of al-Waer, amid targeting the area with 40 missiles leading to the death of three and wounding 50 others, the number of the dead is likely to rise.

Explosions were heared in Homs city, resulting from the fall of rocket-propelled grenades on the city, causing material damage, but no information about casualties reported. Rocket-propelled grenades targeted, hours ago, regions in the neighborhood of al-Zahra, leaving a child killed, and many others injured.

A member of the Syrian opposition delegation in the peace talks, Fateh Hassoun, said that regime forces carried out Homs' attack, and the opposition has evidence to prove the regime relation with ISIS, and coordination mechanisms between them. 

At least, six of national defense forces were killed, following clashes and detonate explosive devices in their vehicles  in a number of Syrian cities, while at least 30 people were killed, in the military intelligence branch,and at least 12 people killed in the State Security branch, following attacks by militants targeted these sites in the city of Homs.