Violent clashes broke out between the rebels and Syrian army forces

Violent clashes broke out between the rebels and Syrian army forces, on Thursday, in the vicinity of Jobar neighborhood, Qasioun News reported. The Syrian army forces carried out heavy artillery shelling on the neighborhood, using more than 10 missiles and dozens of mortar shells, causing only material damage, in an attempt to isolate Jobar neighborhood from the villages and towns in Eastern Ghouta, in Rif Dimashq Province. It is noteworthy that Syrian opposition forces are frequently attacking the regime forces in Jober neighborhood, leaving dozens of casualties.
The Islamic State media reported, on Thursday, that 100 civilians were either killed or wounded in air strikes carried out by Russian warplanes, in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. The Islamic State-owned “Amaq” news agency reported that 10 Civilians were killed and 90 others were wounded in air strikes carried out by Russian warplanes on Mayadin City, in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.
Meanwhile, Syrian warplanes bombarded the post building in the city of Basira, in eastern Deir Ezzor, killing one civilian. It is noteworthy that the areas located in eastern Deir Ezzor are witnessing a significant displacement, due to the extensive military operations taking place in the city.
Furthermore, Syrian regime forces managed to break the siege that was imposed on Deir Ezzor city by the Islamic State militants, while the Syrian Democratic Forces are carrying out another operation in the northern and eastern countryside of the city.
The Syrian army forces and allied militias managed, on Thursday, to recapture Onoq al-Hawa and Khan villages, in the eastern countryside of Homs, Syria, after violent clashes with the Islamic State militants. Qasioun News reported the Syrian army troops conducted artillery and missiles shelling on the Islamic State-held villages and towns, in eastern the province, without any further details on casualties.
Meanwhile, sources close to the militant group informed that 7 foreign militants, belonging to the Syrian army, were killed and a 23mm cannon was destroyed in Ghunaiman village, in eastern the province. It is noteworthy that the Syrian army has recently recaptured several villages and towns, in eastern Homs, backed by the Russian air forces.
Dozens of the Syrian army forces were either killed or wounded, on Monday, in car bomb blasts, in the southern countryside of Aleppo. Qasioun News Agency reported that Dozens of the army forces were either killed or wounded, in the explosion of a bus and a SUV vehicle, on Aleppo-Ithreya road, in the southern countryside of Aleppo.
Meanwhile, IS-held Mu’tah News Agency stated that the IS group claimed responsibility of the explosion that targeted a bus and a SUV vehicle carrying members of the regime forces. However, media sources belonging to the Syrian government informed that the incident took place due to a collision between the two vehicles, while the published image of the bus shows that it was burned completely.
It is noteworthy that Syrian regime forces are imposing their control over Ithreya-Khanaser road, in the southeastern countryside of Aleppo, where the Islamic State militants carry out several attacks against the regime forces.
The self-proclaimed Islamic State group, on Monday, launched a violent attack on the Syrian army forces and managed to recapture several areas in the district of Uqayribat, in the eastern countryside of Hama. Qasioun News reported that the Islamic State attack was launched using booby-trapped vehicles, then the IS militants managed to regain control over Hanuteh and Mushrifah villages, east of Uqayribat area.
Moreover, the Syrian government forces managed to seize Salaba Electric Power Station, located in eastern Salmeya District, after fierce battles with the Islamic State militants. Earlier this month, Syrian army forces retook Uqayribat Town, the main stronghold of the Islamic State in the east of Hama, after violent clashes and air strikes on the area.
US-led coalition warplanes bombarded, yesterday, a military convoy belonging to the Syrian army, east of Deir Ezzor.
Qasioun News reported that the international coalition warplanes bombarded a military convoy belonging to the Syrian army and allied militia, near al-Tayem oil field, east of Deir Ezzor, killing and wounding several army members, in addition to destroying armored vehicles.
The air strike was conducted within the military operations taking place in Deir Ezzor since the beginning of this month, resulting in breaking the siege, which was imposed on the city.
It is noteworthy that the international coalition warplanes have previously bombarded several convoys belonging to the Syrian army forces and allied militias in al-Shahmi area, in the Syrian Badiyah