US Department of State.

The United States is set to act in accordance with the law on chemical and biological weapons that stipulates imposing another package of sanctions against Russia, US Department of State spokesperson Heather Nauert told TASS on Tuesday.

"We intend to proceed in accordance with the terms of the CBW Act, which directs the implementation of additional sanctions," she said.

According to the US diplomat, the Department of State informed the US Congress on Tuesday that it "could not certify that the Russian Federation met the conditions required by the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991."

‘The Department is consulting with Congress regarding next steps as required 90 days after the initial determination on August 6, 2018," Nauert went on.

The United States’ sanctions on Russia over Moscow’s alleged involvement in the poisoning of former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the British city of Salisbury came into effect on August 27. The US Department of State argues that Russia is in breach of the 1991 Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act.

The new restrictions include a ban on the supply of electronic devices and other dual-use products to Russia, but with a number of exceptions. Also, in 90 days’ time the US authorities will make a decision on a second package of sanctions against Russia depending on whether it complies with a number of conditions set to it. The second package of restrictions includes the lowering the status of bilateral diplomatic relations or their total freeze, a de-facto full ban on any Russian imports to US (including oil and oil products) and US exports to Russia (except food) and a ban for planes of any Russian government-controlled air carrier to land in US.