Yemeni army advances in Mokha, clashes with militant in Haet
Yemeni governmental troops

Yemeni governmental troops managed to achieve notable advance towards sites in the northern and eastern areas of Yemen’s strategic city of Mokha. According to military sources, governmental troops managed to reach points in Haet area, two kilometers away from Yakhtel.

The sources added that clashes erupted between the governmental troops on one hand and Houthi militias and other forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh on the other hand in Haet area, saying that the governmental troops were supported by the air raids launched by the fighter jets of the Arab Coalition.

The military developments coincided with the resolution issued by the UN Security Council stressing the need for executing a political transition in the country upon the Gulf initiative. It also expressed its deep concern over the current humanitarian situation witnessed in the country and the challenges facing the delivery of humanitarian aids and vital commodities to the Yemeni people.

According to the international resolution, the Security Council raised stressed that Qaeda’s control over areas in the Arab Peninsula raises the international concern, stressing that there are small armed groups loyal to ISIS. The UN Security Council decided to extend the current international measures in Yemen until February 2018 upon the Resolution (2140).

Resolution (2140) formed a sanctions committee including the members of UN Security Council to ease the measures to suspend the assets of those people who commit violations in the country and to ban them from travel in addition to monitoring the current threats against the country’s stability and security.

The resolution comes days after the meeting of International Quartet Committee, including Saudi, Emirates, U.S and Britain, last week to discuss the recent developments on the Yemeni arena. The meeting witnessed the participation of U.S Secretary of State Rex Terillson.

On his hand, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir expressed his support for the current efforts exerted by Kuwaiti government to resolve the Yemeni crisis, expressing his aspiration for resuming the dialogue led by Kuwaiti government to resolve the Yemeni crisis. He called the Houthi groups for not using the force to achieve their objective, stressing that they will not occupy the Yemeni territories.

Yemeni activist Hamama Al Sanwi expressed her optimism over the future of Yemen after the recent UN Security Council resolution, saying that it reflects the international understanding over the necessity of reaching a political solution for the current crisis witnessed in the country. She signaled to the initiative launched by U.S Secretary of State John Kerry that is based on the formation of a national unity government ensuring the participation of Houthis.

She added that the resolution reflects the international keenness to suspend the fight, saying that it insists on implementing the sanctions imposed on former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. She underlined the international commitment to the unity of the country and its territorial integration.