Haifa Wehbe

Haifa Wehbe Beirut – Nicola Azaar Haifa Wehbe may be expecting a baby according to sources close to \"Arabs Today\". The singer recently travelled to the United States where she was rumoured to have sought In vitro Fertilization known as( IVF.)  Last month Haifa denied the rumours, however a source close to the star confirmed her pregnancy and said that Haifa is waiting for a few months to make a public announcement. The star wants to wait the requisite three months to be safe  before going public. On a separate note , Haifa recently held a concert at the Movenpick hotel in Beirut where she sang a collection of old and new songs she had specially prepared for her Lebanese and Arab audiences. At the concert, Haifa kicked off the night with “Let me hear” on a stage that was opulently  decorated, and she finished the  night with “Ana Haifa ana”, as requested by her fans.