A teenager bedroom

Your kid is about to be mature, he/she needs to have a new bedroom decoration as a teenager bedroom. Don’t be worried about how to accomplish this task in a proper way. In this article, we aim to help you to know more about this decoration mission.

First, you have to keep in your mind that it is your kid bedroom, so you need to integrate the kid in this funny task. This bedroom decoration will reflect your kid personality and taste, plus when you and your teenager kid work together it will be a perfect chance to spend a lot of time together and know more about your kids and thus your relationship with each other will begin to be stronger.

Teenager bedroom means that he/ she is not a child anymore, the kid needs something more stylish and mature. Plus the teenager enjoys always inviting his/her friends to spend times with each other, therefore he/she wants something that will catch the eyes and enhance his/her self-confidence. This means that the kid taste and preferences are completely different than their own when he/she was younger.

But with your teenager kid help, both of you can accomplish this task perfectly.
The colors are number one basic which you use to set a specific mood and atmosphere. If your teenager kid wants an energetic mood you may go for orange and bright green. But for a relaxing atmosphere, you will prefer to have the light blue and lavender. While to evoke a warm feeling, you can go for deep red or get a modern atmosphere with black and white with other color hues like yellow, orange or Fuchsia.

Then, you can choose from the variety of themes that are now popular for modern teenagers. There are now different theme to fit the personality change of every teenager like oriental, Gothic, tropical, musical, movies, safari, geometric patterns, skater, nautical, sports, video game and Hollywood. You can set these themes with simple items like throw pillows, stickers and wall decals, area rugs and curtains. Never forget to complete the look with the proper lights to brighten up the overall look.








Source :Interior Design 4