Education in Dubai

Dubai Cares is calling for volunteers for its week-long school building mission in the Fatik District of Senegal from October 30 till November 6. 

Volunteers will travel to Africa to support the local community in constructing a new school which will benefit around 150 children. The mission also offers volunteers a chance to immerse into new culture, while directly addressing poverty and lack of education. 

If you believe you have the skills, passion and desire to be part of this year's success story, and help hundreds of children get a brighter future, you can register before July 17 by opening this link: 

Dubai Cares will shortlist 50 candidates on a first-come first-served basis, followed by a round of one-on-one interviews for the final selection of the 15 volunteers to travel to Senegal. 

The interviews will be conducted between July 23 and 31. An additional 15 volunteers will be placed on a waiting list in case of cancellations. 

The volunteer team will also receive a comprehensive briefing ahead of the trip, which will cover the ground situation in Senegal, socio-economic background as well as an overview of the activities that will be undertaken as part of the school construction. Along with the construction work, volunteers will be able to immerse themselves into the local culture, meet families, learn local values and build positive perceptions for the local population. 

Volunteer Globally, first launched in 2009, has enjoyed great success in collaborating with destitute societies with a desire to evoke change and provide education to thousands of children. For this year, Dubai Cares is seeking candidates of 21 years of age and above, with a passion and enthusiasm for social work and the ability to undertake physical construction work. 

The initiative will be the subject of a documentary which tracks the progress and efforts of those working tirelessly to change the lives of the local communities. The mission in Senegal follows a successful edition in Nepal in 2014, whereby the Volunteer Globally team helped build a school in the village of Barkamuda. 

The basic logistics and expenses of the trip including visa charges, travel, accommodation, food and beverage, travel supplies, vaccinations and safety equipment will be handled by Dubai Cares. Upon completion of the project, all volunteers will receive a Certificate of Appreciation.

Source: Khaleej Times