Algerian minister of education Abu Bakr Ben Bouzid

Algerian minister of education Abu Bakr Ben Bouzid Algiers - Hussein Bou Salah Algeria has allocated 61 million textbooks for the next school year as revealed by the minister of education Abu Bakr Ben Bouzid during meetings with his ministry sectors. The text boooks will be financed by 25,000 of the national educational institutions on different educational levels. The demand for textbooks increased this season due to increasing requests from educational organizations and Algerian embassies in Canada, England and some other European countries. The educational associations are supported by five new textbooks distributed for free in the southern areas of the country. The Minister of education stated: \"the ministry harnessed equipment to deliver books to associations. Distributing it across the nation including far places via 900 distributing trucks and 600 private libraries and sales points. The ministry has allocated 6 billion Algerian dinar annually in order to benefit students in need.\" \"About 95 percent of southern students will receive free books, this totals 4,026,000  students.\" Textbooks will be allocated for the blind in their private schools printed in Braille in the cooperation with the ministry of education in order to allow this disability group to learn in sufficient circumstances. The ministry will distribute 250,000 educational guides for all educational organizations with four new books which weren\'t provided last year including specific books on the Amazigh language for fourth primary years incorporated within the educational curriculum of the last years.