‘Going Global 2011’ conference

‘Going Global 2011’ conference More than five hundred university Presidents, Vice-Chancellors and sector leaders are among the 1300 delegates to the British Council’s ‘Going Global 2012’ conference (13-15 March) .
More than 80 countries are represented including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman and the UAE, as leaders from government, academia and industry debate a new vision of international education for the 21st century.
Delegates from the Arab World includes HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Al-Saud, Saudi Arabia Ambassador, HE Ms Alice Thomas Samaan, Bahrain Ambassador, HE Mr Mazen Kemal Homoud, Jordan Ambassador, HE Mr Khaled Al-Duwaisan GCVO, Kuwait Ambassador, Mr Abdulmuhaimen Al-Oraibi, Iraq Ambassador, Yusuf Bin Alawai bin Abdullah, Sultanate of Oman Ambassador, Dr. Mohammed Al-Bandari, Cultural Attaché Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman and Abdulrahman Ghanem Almutaiwee, UAE Ambassador.
The proposal for debate at the sixth British Council ‘Going Global’ conference is ‘education can change the future of the world: it has the ability to shape and connect the lives of its citizens and their nations. But to do this we must radically re-think the nature of our universities and colleges’.
Without a very different vision for the future, large parts of global society will be excluded from the benefits afforded to a highly educated and skilled population. As the world’s population passed seven billion, the conference asks ‘are existing institutions equipped for this new reality or does it call for freer and much more dynamic thinking?’
Dr Jo Beall, the British Council’s director of education and society said: “2011 raised so many questions about the future of established structures of governance and economics – 2012 must be the year when we start to try and find the answers. Education has a vital role to play, whether for established economies, emerging powerhouses, or post-conflict states. I am delighted the British Council can host these crucial discussions as we search out new visions for global tertiary education.”
Going Global 2012 is taking place 13-15 March at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. More than 1300 senior higher education leaders are attending, making this year’s event one of the world’s most important opportunities to discuss the future of the sector. The Right Honourable Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, will deliver the opening address at the conference.
Fifty-seven sessions over three days will explore the theme ‘Changing education for a changing world’ and examine the future world, the changing world, and who the winners and losers are likely to be.
Dubai will host the next Going Global. The event will take place at Dubai World Trade Centre from 11 to 13 March 2013.