Abu Dhabi Farmers' Services Centre

Abu Dhabi Farmers' Services Centre is due to begin the second phase of a comprehensive campaign to protect date palms in all three regions of Abu Dhabi Emirate. The programme, which started shortly after pollination, is targeting specific pests which attack palm trees. The programme will cover over 14,000 farms throughout the emirate.

"The first phase of the campaign began on 19th March and is now complete" said Ahmed Al Suwaidi, ADFSC Communication Section Manager, adding, "The second phase began at the beginning of May and is expected to finish by the end of the month."

In previous years, ADFSC separated the spraying phases at different times of the year, however, timings were altered for this year to better target pests.

"The three most important aspects of a successful spray campaign are selection of the correct pesticide to target problem pests, timing of the spraying to ensure maximum effectiveness and dosage to guarantee that pests receive the correct dose without harming the surrounding environment" said Al Suwaidi.

"The goal of the spray campaign is to improve the quality and productivity of date palms in the emirate, whilst protecting them from pests," added Al Suwaidi.

Date Palm Spraying is one of the services offered by the Abu Dhabi Farmers' Services Centre in order to improve and protect date palms in the emirate. Other services include, a Red Palm Weevil Pesticide Injection, Mechanical Pollination of Date Palms and the Date Palm Services Contract, an annual contract offered to farmers including technical advice, fruit protection and pest control.
Source: WAM