Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci

Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci Algiers – Khaled Alwash Algeria has no mandate to mediate in the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt over a controversial Ethiopian dam project, the Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci said on Sunday.
\"Algeria has not been mandated to play the role of mediator (in the dispute over Ethiopia’s dam project) neither by Egypt nor by Ethiopia,\" Medelci said at a joint press conference with his Ethiopian counterpart Tedros Adhanom When asked about the visit by Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr to Algiers last Thursday, Medelci explained that Amr came to participate in the closing of the Algerian-Egyptian follow-up committee’s preparatory meeting for seventh session of the High Joint Commission.
However due to its importance, the issue of the dam was discussed with both the Egyptian and the Ethiopian foreign ministers, Medelci said.
The dispute erupted after Ethiopia last month began diverting the Blue Nile River for the construction of its 6,000-megawatt Grand Renaissance Dam.
Ethiopia is hoping that talks with Egypt will ease a row over sharing the waters, Adhanom told the press conference.
But Adhanom did not rule out \"international mediation\" if the talks founder.
\"Ethiopia is genuinely committed to solving any problem through dialogue and negotiations... we have to cooperate to share what nature has given us.\"
Tedros said he would travel soon to Cairo for further talks with the Egyptian foreign minister following a round of discussions earlier this month in Addis Ababa.
Some 86 percent of Nile water flowing to Egypt originates from the Blue Nile out of Ethiopia, and Cairo has said the construction of the dam is a security concern.
Ethiopia\'s parliament ratified a controversial treaty in early June ensuring its access to Nile water resources, replacing a colonial-era agreement that granted Egypt and Sudan the majority of water rights.
The new deal allows upstream countries to implement irrigation and hydropower projects without first seeking Egypt\'s approval.
Ethiopia says the $4.2-billion (3.2-billion-euro) dam is aimed at generating electricity for export to neighbouring countries, including Kenya and Djibouti.
It is set to become Africa\'s largest hydroelectric dam, with completion earmarked for 2017, and is being funded entirely from internal resources.
The Blue Nile joins the White Nile in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to form the Nile, which then flows through Egypt.