death of sea turtle in Beirut

The Green Area International Association (GAIA) said, in a statement, that elements from marine rescuers, in Jiyeh, found a dead turtle dead, of a kind of Caretta caretta, floating on the water surface in Beirut, next to the American University, where the elements managed to withdrawn it.
After doing the preliminary examination, which shows that the most likely cause of death was the ingestion of more than fishing hook and nylon bag, which caused infections and tumors leading to its death.

Immediately, the civil defense elements communicated with GAIA, which conducted several contacts to connect with the marine science center in the north, in vain.
The association coordinated with the director of Ramlet Al Baida Beach and the coordinator of Operation Big Blue,  Nazih Al Rayes to receive the dead turtle until contacting the concerned centers and taking the appropriate decision to bury or autopsy it, because the need to document the case due to the importance of scientific research.

The head of Operation Big Blue,Iffat Idrees pointed out that the turtle known as Caretta caretta Loggerhead, it is a female of one meter in length, died after being swallowed a plastic bag.