The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation has raised concerns that meadows and pastures are becoming increasingly endangered in Germany and has released a new red list to German Press Agency on Wednesday.
The new red list of endangered biotypes, serves as a handbook for future conservation plans and is an update from the previous 2006 red list.
Federal Minister for the Environment Barbara Hendrick from the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), presented the findings that indicated almost two-thirds of the 863 species present in habitats in Germany are under severe threat from intensive agriculture, among other causes. The threat has particularly worsened in pastures or grasslands; meadows are also under increasing pressure.
The Federal Office for Nature Conservation has reported some positive developments in coastal regions as well as next to rivers and streams which are benefiting from restoration or environmental protection plans as well as better sewage treatment plants. However, figures are much less positive for groundwater due to high nitrogen pollution caused by fertilizers from intensive farming. Many stagnant water volumes are also affected.
There are many types of natural habitats in Germany including 46 types of water environments and 20 types of arable and fallow arable land.