Hassanieh Kajieh stresses on respecting the environment

Hassanieh Kajieh, head of the Second International Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development held in Casablanca and organized by “Hassan II University" and "Moroccan Association of Political Science", with the support of the Hades Zeidel Foundation and in partnership with the National Center for Legal Accompaniment and Human Rights, said that studying the environment issue among sustainable development policies and human rights need cooperation from all parties, especially in scientific and university facilities.

She said during an interview with “Arab Today” that, sustainable development concerned a lot of intellectuals in different scientific majors because of the negative results of the used methods in this subject, and dealing with the principle of respecting the environment in Morocco as a human right is out of the question despite article 19 of 2011 constitution. She added that, the relation between sustainable development and human rights is unbalanced despite the efforts exerted by Morocco in the environmental field which culminated in the organization of COP 22.

She said that, Saad al - Din Al Ottomani government compared to Abdul Ilah bin Kairan government had dismissed the conception of the environment and neglected Morocco’s efforts on this subject for 2 years. Hassanieh also said, Morocco had taken major steps since 1975 as it passed number of laws such as, law 03.11 on Environmental Reform, 03-12 on impact study, 03-11 on air pollution, and 28-00 on the waste of such laws and establishing the environment as a human right.