The lamb

The lamb Gaza – Mohammed Habib A ewe gave birth to a lamb with a strange head in Zawaida, a village in central Gaza. The newly born lamb’s head is reportedly very similar to a human one, and it has four legs and two “hands.”  This weird and wonderful case raised the curiosity of many local residents, with visitors making the trip to see the mother and her two babies, one perfectly normal and the other most unusual. Mohsen Abu Zayed, owner of the farm where the lamb was born, said, “while helping the ewe to give birth as I usually do, I couldn\'t believe what I was seeing. The first baby lamb came out easily when I pulled it, but the second was stuck. I had to ask two of my neighbours for help, but we all failed.” In the end, he explained, “we had to call the veterinarian. He failed to aid the delivery naturally and had to perform a Caesarean section.” When the second lamb finally arrived, “we were all shocked to see its head which very much resembled that of a human.” “The doctor was so surprised that he ran away when he saw it while one of the other people fainted. I was so shocked that I didn’t believe my eyes. Even if I’ve already heard about similar cases, I’m sure nothing like this has ever been seen in Gaza!” Abu Zayed added. He described how the lamb was born with three eyes (two at front of its head and one at the back), four ears, a human-esque mouth, four legs and two “hands.” He said that the lamb’s head closely resembles that of an old man\'s. While the lamb is unable to move, its heart is still beating.