The London Array, the world's largest offshore wind farm

The London Array, the world's largest offshore wind farm, continues to break records as it marks three years of successful operations today. 

The sophisticated 630-megawatt wind power project, the largest international investment of Abu Dhabi's renewable energy company, Masdar, delivers clean and reliable energy to more than half-a-million homes throughout the United Kingdom. 

Since its launch, London Array has produced a total 6,900,000 megawatt hours, MWh, of clean, renewable electricity, offsetting some 2,950,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, equivalent to the annual emissions of around 900,000 cars on UK roads. 

In December, 2015, the plant broke its own output record, generating 369,000 MWh of electricity in one month. 

"Masdar has enhanced access to sustainable sources of energy through its continued development of renewable energy projects around the world," said Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar. "The world's largest operating offshore wind farm, London Array has contributed significantly to strengthening the share of clean energy in the United Kingdom's energy mix over the last three years." 

Spread out across 100-square kilometres, equal to 10,000 football pitches, the construction of this massive offshore windfarm has pushed the limits of design and logistics. Its 175 wind turbines today power nearly one in 50 British homes. 

Each wind turbine has a circumference that is equivalent to one and a half times the size of London's Wembley Stadium football pitch. The turbines are designed to run for more than 20 years, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. 

A joint venture between E.ON (30%), DONG Energy (25%), La Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec (25%) and Masdar (20%), the London Array is located in the outer Thames Estuary, 20 kilometres off the coast of Kent in southeast England. 

"The development of London Array has positioned Masdar as a leader in the offshore wind power sector and paved the way for the company to pursue further projects, such as the 402-megawatt Dudgeon offshore wind farm now under construction in the North Sea," added Al Ramahi. 

Dudgeon, which recently secured GBP1.3 billion in long-term financing, is the first UK offshore wind project to obtain financing under the UK government's ‘Contract for Difference', or CfD, scheme. 

On schedule to begin commercial operations by the second half of 2017, Dudgeon will deliver annual production of 1.7 terawatt-hours, TWh, of electricity, the combined output of 67 wind turbines. That is sufficient clean energy to power an estimated 410,000 UK homes and displace 893,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. 

Other notable international wind power projects led by Masdar include the Port Victoria Wind Power Project in Seychelles and the 117 megawatt Tafila Wind Farm in Jordan. 

"Wind energy is one of the most popular energy sources in the UK, and Masdar's growing international footprint reflects our commitment to invest in the UK and support its efforts to expand access to safe, secure and affordable power," Al Ramahi concluded.