New Dinosaur Discovered in Argentina

Researchers in Argentina on Thursday announced that they have discovered a new dinosaur six metres long, carnivorous, and roamed the South American region of Patagonia 90 million years ago. 
'We thought we had found dinosaurs from the Carnotaurus or Gigantosaurus genus, but instead we stumbled upon a lineage that we hadn't seen before,' paleontologist Sebastian Apesteguia said in a presentation at Buenos Aires' Cultural Centre of Science. 
The dinosaur, dubbed 'Gualicho' in honour of a Patagonian aboriginal goddess, was unearthed in 2007 near the town of El Choco in Argentina's central Rio Negro province, which lies at the northern edge of Patagonia. Analysis of the fossils did not begin until 2012. 
The dinosaur appears to be related to Deltadromeus dinosaurs, which lived in Africa in the Cretaceous era, Apasteguia said. But its two-fingered arms looked more like those of a Tyrannosaurus. 
'Gualicho' is part of a lineage that developed in the southern hemisphere and includes dinosaurs that lived in Australia.

Source: QNA