Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Rome on Sunday to begin political talks with Prime Minister of Italy Giuseppe Conte, President Sergio Mattarella and Pope Francis.

According to AnsaMed Website, Nabil Shaath Foreign Policy Adviser to Abbas said that this visit is part of efforts to counteract the actions taken by Israel and the United States against the Palestinian cause.

Shaath added that Abbas wants to update the administration on the “expansion of Israeli colonisation in Palestinian territories” and on Trump administration’s regional policy.

This comes as Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Salvini is set to make an official visit to Israel in mid-December, the Haaretz reported. Salvini’s right-wing and anti-immigration party is in a coalition government with the populist Five Star party. To his part, Netanyahu welcomed support from right-wing parties and policies which display pro-Israel positions despite holding bigoted and racist views to a particular section of society.