Andreas Friganas.

The departure of the Greek Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Andreas Friganas, from Moscow that was initially scheduled for the end of September has been put off, a well-informed diplomatic source told TASS on Monday.

"His departure has been put off and the dates are not clear so far but Friganas may leave before the end of this year," he said.

The Greek side has not found a replacement for the incumbent ambassador to the time being, the source said.

A Greek diplomatic source told TASS on August 10 the government was recalling Friganas to Athens and would put another diplomat instead of him to the ambassador’s position in Moscow.

The Greek daily Kathimerini said on July 11 the government had decided to expel two Russian diplomats and ban an entry of the country for another two diplomats. The report said Greece accused them of meddling in the country’s domestic affairs and undermining its security.

Dimitris Dzanakopoulos, the official spokesman for the Greek government confirmed the expulsion of the Russian diplomats somewhat later.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned Frinagas on August 6 and handed a note to him on mirror-like response by Moscow, which expelled two Greek diplomats.