Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait Yasser Atef

Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait Yasser Atef said Egypt is trying to increase its military capabilities to protect its national security as well as that of the whole Arab region, asserting that Egyptian-Gulf coordination and understanding are at their highest levels. 

In statements to the Kuwaiti "Al Anbaa" newspaper out on Sunday, Atef said "Egypt is keen on the independence of its decisions to guarantee that nobody imposes a particular agenda on it or a specific vision for the future of the region.

He reiterated that the Egyptian government was keen on settling any pending issues for the Kuwaiti investors in Egypt and would continue to exert its utmost efforts to settle any problems in a way that guarantees the rights of both sides.

The diplomat also noted that Suez Canal Corridor Development is a huge project which provides great investment potentials for the Kuwaiti investors.

Atef also denied reports that Egypt might have a role in supporting the Ethiopian opposition, noting that Egypt does not interfere in the domestic affairs of any sisterly country.

He also offered condolences to the families of the Sinai terror attack, noting that Egypt is dealing firmly with the terrorist groups who are seeking to spread turmoil and harm the country's interests in the region

Source: MENA