Several families of detained Rif protesters

Several families of detained Rif protesters have decided not to celebrate the upcoming Eid Al Adha holiday in response to the ongoing detention of their relatives.
Several Moroccan media outlets have reported that the families have agreed not to observe Eid unless their relatives are released from prison.
The father of leading activist Nasser Zafzafi, currently in prison in Casablanca, told Moroccan news site Lakome2 that as far his family is concerned, the matter has not yet been decided.
He explained that he has not discussed the issue with his son.
Families of the detainees had hoped their relatives would be released during Eid Al Fitr on June 26 but were disappointed when this did not happen.
They renewed their hopes in anticipation of Throne Day on July 30, only to see just few detained protesters walk out of prison.
41 protesters were granted royal pardons, while approximately 178 are still in detention.
Their continued imprisonment and prosecution for a number of heavy charges, including “undermining the security of the state” for their involvement in the nine months of protests in Rif, will keep feeding the tension between the region and central government.

Source: Moroccoworldnews