Minister Saad Hariri

The Press Office of Prime Minister Saad Hariri issued on Sunday the following press release: 
"The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri will begin tomorrow a European tour starting from the French capital Paris, where he will meet with the French President François at the Elysee Palace. 
Hariri will also meet with his French counterpart Bernard Cazeneuve at the Matignon Palace. 
After that, Hariri will travel to Berlin, where he will meet with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
He will then visit Brussels where he will represent Lebanon in the "Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region". 
Hariri will deliver a speech during which he will address the plan of the Lebanese government to strengthen stability and development, and face the pressure on the infrastructure and public services as a result of the displaced Syrians crisis, Lebanon's needs in this respect and the role of the international community in increasing the required aid to face this crisis. 

Source: NNA