the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa the Prime Minister received a cable of congratulations from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) ministers of youth and sports .
The GCC ministers in their cable, hailed HRH the Prime Minister’s kind patronage that ensured the success of their 31st meeting recently hosted in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The ministers cited the meeting’s numerous outcomes and recommendations aimed to develop and to showcase GCC youth creativity and intellect.

This came in the cable by Bahrain’s Youth and Sports Minister Hesham bin Mohammed Al Jowder and head of the current session on behalf of all GCC youth and sports ministers. In the cable, the GCC youth and sports ministers also congratulated HRH the Prime Minister on the occasion of the “Development Work Shield” conferred by the Arab League in recognition of HRH the Prime Minister’s developmental role and contributions.