Marco Focaccia is the polo manager of Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club.

Marco Focaccia is working to make the "sport of kings" truly popular around the world.

Focaccia, the polo manager of Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club, grew up on an Argentinian farm where he watched his father play polo.

"I began playing the sport at the age of 8 in a country where polo is immensely popular and it was this popularity that lead to my growing sense of love for ‘the sport of kings'," Focaccia said.

Polo is typically played by four individuals per team on horseback. The goal is to drive a small ball into the opposing team's goal by using a long mallet. It's an addicting game, he said, and one that brought him to Dubai.

"In 2012, I was returning to Argentina after playing in a tournament in Thailand and received an invitation to come to Dubai for a competition that was being held at Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club. I enjoyed the experience so much and was subsequently invited to join the club full-time and contribute to the development of the sport here," he said

Polo is growing fast across the region with a calendar full of tournaments,  and a variety of teams competing against other. Solid progress has been made with the help of the authorities and the valuable existence of clubs such as Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club who can help introduce and nurture new talent," he said.

What's his average day like? 

"I start my day early to ride horses and carry out my routine check of the stables while meeting with my colleagues, the groom and foreman... Fortunately, I have the opportunity to play polo in the afternoons which allows me to continue pursuing my passion on the field," he said.

Focaccia said polo picked up as a sport in the UAE, with investment pouring into development of new players and competitions.

"My prediction is that the organisation of teams will continue to improve and the training of players and horses will continue to get better as the game increases its popularity," he said.

But is polo still an exclusive sport?

"Polo demands perseverance, time and a degree of financial investment from the individuals who decide to take it up, in addition to a level of commitment needed to look after horses. It is an intense sport that requires a real love of horses and physical competition," he said.

Where does he want to see polo as a sport in the UAE in the next decade? 

"My hope is that polo in the UAE will continue to grow and increase its international reputation as a centre of polo excellence where the best players compete and play in our tournaments. As the sport grows and more interest is generated, the greater my optimism becomes. With more fields and horses than ever and great competitions such as the Longines Valentine’s Polo Tournament at Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club, polo in the region has a promising future," he said.

source : gulfnews