President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi conferred on Wednesday with the Senior Adviser to the US President, Jared Kushner.

President Sisi stressed the importance of reaching a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, underlining efforts exerted by Egypt to revive negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides.

Sisi said a lasting settlement to the Palestinian issue will help make a new reality in the Middle East and refute claims by terrorist organizations in the region.

The US delegation expressed support for all efforts to strengthen Egyptian-US relations in the coming period. They also voiced appreciation of Egypt's efforts to fight terrorism and extremism and its role in shoring up efforts to find a comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue.

A day later, Sisi received a phone call from US President Donald Trump during which the US president underlined the strength of bilateral relations.

Trump also expressed his keenness on upgrading relations between the two countries and overcoming any obstacle on this score

Source : Mena