Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will lead Egypt's delegation to an international conference called for by France to revive the Middle East peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

The conference is set to kick off in the French capital Sunday. 

Shoukry will deliver Egypt's speech at the conference, said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid on Saturday, adding that the top diplomat will review Cairo's vision about a just and comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue. 

He will stress, yet again, the importance of restoring the lawful rights of the Palestinian people, atop of which the establishment of their independent state on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, Abu Zeid added.

Egypt is taking part in the Paris conference out of a sense of responsibility toward the peace process, the spokesman noted.

The Palestinian cause is a top priority of Egypt's foreign policy, Abu Zeid said. 

During his stay in France, Shoukry will hold important talks with his European and Arab counterparts on the sidelines of the event, the spokesman further said.

Source: MENA