Premier and Housing Minister Moustafa Madboli

Acting Premier and Housing Minister Moustafa Madboli met Tuesday with Switzerland's State Secretary of Economic Affairs Marie-Gabrielle and her accompanying delegation to discuss ways of boosting bilateral relations between Egypt and Switzerland. 

The minister lauded the cooperation between the countries, expressing the government's desire to increase trade exchange and the Swiss investments in Egypt

During the meeting, which was attended by Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr and Swiss Ambassador in Cairo Paul Garnier, both sides discussed exchanging expertise in number of fields, including infrastructure, services, housing, renewable energy and agriculture as well as making advantage of the Swiss experience in supporting small and medium projects. 

It is expected that the Swiss secretary will ink the joint declaration of the Egyptian-Swiss cooperation strategy, which aims to support economic cooperation through financing developmental projects in Egypt in different domains. 

Meanwhile, Gabrielle lauded the Egyptian economic and social reform program, expressing her country's will to study the ideas and suggestions discussed in the meeting. 

She noted that large number of Swiss companies, operating in Egypt, wish to expand their activities in various fields